Commercial range
Mobile Washers
Our hot and cold-water mobile washers have the same quality of build and components used throughout our other ranges. We produce units that are proven for their extreme reliability in the harshest of environments. Continually evolving technology and the finest of parts available give the customer the extreme reliance they depend on in these fields. Our high-demand main dealer and contract valet customers, with their huge vehicle throughputs, have voiced their compliments in our testimonials section along with many others. A mobile unit can be better suited in certain circumstances if site services are limited, the throughput of vehicles is lower so reducing operating costs or a static machine is not practical. Due to continually evolving technology with the finest of parts available used ensures build quality parallel to our static models, making them the strongest mobile units on the UK market.
- Robust frame with stainless steel covers
- Durable switch panel and controls IP68
- Quality Italian high-pressure pump
- Heavy duty hollow shaft motors
All mobile frames have hinged covers with locking thumb turn screws or easy use cover clips allowing complete removal for access. Fitted with rotating swivel castors or large hard wheels these units can easily be moved to a new location on site. This equipment is fitted with WRAS approved valves, components which complies with backflow prevention laws and have water storage tanks manufactured with type AB air gaps, overflows and weirs.
Our mobile units can be built with various features to suit any customer and operator’s requirement. If there is a need for something not listed, please enquire and we will be happy to accommodate and customise a unit to meet your specification. We produce these units with either 316 brushed or polished stainless-steel finish covers and 304 grade mill finish stainless steel frames which are then powder coated to give there robust build, finish and appearance.
Custom Vinyl graphics to suit your business branding are available, this can be supplied by the customer or drawn up or by our design team and applied to your equipment**
Our Mobile Range consists of:
Cold Mobile Electric Driven Pressure Washer Units
Hot Mobile Diesel Heated Electric Driven Pressure Washer Units
Engine Driven Mobile Trolly Units
Custom built options available
Suitable for specialist high pressure washing applications such as heavy use agricultural cleaning, offshore and underwater marine cleaning environments amongst other. Custom built options available, choose your flow rate, pressure, hose length, cabinet design and more
Mobile Range Features:
Wash mode 1 - Wheel Cleaner Applicator, Iron Extract Wheel Cleaner
UK first to market bespoke Wheel Cleaner Applicator, Iron Extract Wheel Cleaner. This highly effective product attacks the brake dust, dirt and other particles on wheels resulting in a thorough clean. To add to the customer excitement and experience the wheels will turn red as the solution works its magic! Non-hazardous consumer safe product.
ATS – Auto Timeout Stop
ATS – Auto Timeout Stop
Turns the machine off after a set period of no use time to give longevity to the consumable items within the machines, for example, high-pressure pump seals among other parts.
LPD - Leak Pulse Detect
LPD – Leak Pulse DetectThis will turn off your machine when there is a leak in the system, bad enough to allow the machine to run on beyond its normal AS setting.
Wash mode 1 - Wheel Cleaner Applicator, Iron Extract Wheel Cleaner
UK first to market bespoke Wheel Cleaner Applicator, Iron Extract Wheel Cleaner. This highly effective product attacks the brake dust, dirt and other particles on wheels resulting in a thorough clean. To add to the customer excitement and experience the wheels will turn red as the solution works its magic! Non-hazardous consumer safe product.
FOTC – Flame & Over Temp Control
FOTC – Flame & Over Temp Control Stops the machines hot water generating boiler equipment from becoming over-temperature to prevent damage to the heating coil, inner lid assembly integrity and high-pressure fittings
RF – Real Flow
Mobile Model Specification
All mobile units are available in three phase only and can be custom made to any customers requirements.
*Minimum quantities are required for this service
**Additional cost for this service, quantity dependant.
Thumb turn securable cover
Easy use cover clips
Durable operation control panels
High pressure chemical output
Variable chemical control
Over temp control system
Short reach easy handle high pressure lance
Extended long reach high pressure lance
Quick release trigger gun and spigots
Brush and lance pole attachment
Foaming attachments & injectors
Adjustable chemical output
Adjustable waxing output
Bespoke custom branding
Cold Mobile
Voltage: 230v Single Phase
Operating Pressure: 100 bar (230v)
Operating Temperature: 0°C to 70°C
Water Output: 780 LPH
Water Tank Capacity: 30 litres With type AB air gap and weir
Machine Dry Weight: 55 kg
High Pressure Hose: 10m (standard)
High Pressure Nozzle Size: 1505
Installation Specification: See our downloads section
Diesel Hot Mobile
Model specification shown, 100 bar 13L/min hot diesel heated model
Voltage: 230v Single Phase
Operating Pressure: 100 bar (230v)
Output Temperature:  0 – 95°C Variable
Operating Temperature: 0°C to 70°C
Water Output: 780 LPH
Water Tank Capacity: 15 litres With type AB air gap and weir
Fuel Tank Capacity: 25 litres
Heating Capacity: 15 LPM Diesel boiler
Chemical Output:: 0-5 LPH
Machine Dry Weight: 105 kg
High Pressure Hose: 10m (standard)
High Pressure Nozzle Size: 1505
Installation Specification: See our downloads section
Specialist Mobile Unit
Suitable for specialist high-pressure washing applications such as heavy use agricultural cleaning, offshore and underwater marine cleaning environments amongst others. Custom-built options are available, choose your flow rate, pressure, hose length, cabinet design and more
Voltage: 12vdc Battery powered, keyed start & alternator
Operating Pressure: 100 bar
Operating Temperature: 0°C to 50°C
Water Output: 2,400 LPH
Machine Dry Weight: 165 kg
Engine Type: Hatz Diesel 2G40 motor
Drive Coupling: Vibroflex coupler fitted
HP Pump: Interpump
Fuel Storage: Stainless Steel Inbuilt diesel tank
High Pressure Hose: Choice of high-pressure hose lengths
High Pressure Nozzle Size: 1518
Extended Warranties
Machine Hire Contracts
All Inclusive Rental Packages
Scheduled Maintenance
Payment Options
We offer a range of rental and purchase options.

Capital Purchase
All equipment purchased outright is inclusive of the following:
- Delivery and installation on site *
- 12 months parts and labour warranty
- Optional extended warranties
- National Next day call-out
- Free chemical starter pack
* To a prepared site from our specification sheets, in downloads section

Rental Agreement
All equipment under a rental contract is inclusive of the following, relevant to the contract length:
- Delivery and installation on site *
- Full service, breakdown, and maintenance plan
- National next day call-out
- Revenue share kept by you
- With or without chemical supply and or top-up
* To a prepared site from our specification sheets in downloads section

Revenue Share
All equipment under a revenue share contract is inclusive of the following, relevant to the contract length:
- Delivery and installation on site *
- Full service, breakdown, and maintenance plan
- National next day call-out
- Revenue share kept by you
- Chemical supply and or top-up
* To a prepared site from our specification sheets in downloads section
For products with a coin mechanism, the coin count will be monitored via a monthly visit or via a web portal, dependent on the product.